dike embankment câu
March 5, 1651 South Sea dike in Amsterdam breaks after storm1651Đê biển miền Nam ở Amsterdam bị phá vỡ sau cơn bão Flow velocity trend...

You didn't come to the embankment today, but Mark did.Chiều nay anh không tới bờ đê, nhưng Mark đã tới. Do you know the little harbor ...

dike design
Salt production – Utilizing the naturally low-lying geography and traditional Dutch dike design, much of Bonaire's southern half has be...

protective dike
The Mississippi River broke through a protective dike today.Hôm nay, sông Mi-xi-xi-pi bị vỡ một đê bảo vệ. (Trong tiếng Mỹ, 'đê' còn ng...

sea dike
March 5, 1651 South Sea dike in Amsterdam breaks after storm1651Đê biển miền Nam ở Amsterdam bị phá vỡ sau cơn bão

canal embankment
The city focuses on mobilizing all resources for constructing and developing Tan An city, including the construction of the city’s key ...

earth embankment
Numerous remains of a once massive earth embankment encircling Wawel Hill survived till this day.Vô số hài cốt tại một kè đất khổng lồ ...

embankment wall
To better display Dejima's fan-shaped form, the project anticipated rebuilding only parts of the surrounding embankment wall that had o...

protection embankment
Efforts to bring the most benefits for residents, Duc Khai Corporation has spent more than 3,6 ha of the total building area to park an...

roadway embankment
approaching roadway embankment.Nền đắp phần lòng đường Roadway embankment approaching roadway embankment.Nền đắp phần lòng đường Roadwa...

rock embankment
On the rock embankment or jetty, or on the beach, his father took a beer bottle from a cold sip, sometimes with his hand wrapped in a r...